As for my seeds, some didn't sprout at all, and some that did, haven't done to well. So today I replanted Lavender, Arugula, Boston and Nevada lettuce, Snap beans, and Cucumber. Lets hope these do better! I have much more ghetto containers this time around, but have a good feeling about them. I believe over watering hindered the Lavender last time, just like to much sun exposure to early killed my lettuces.
The beans and cukes I'm trying to grow the way I did when I was little. The zip-lock baggie and moist paper towel method taped to the window. I will probably do more zucchini this way too because not enough sprouted in the traditional method.
However, some of what I planted previously is thriving. The sunflowers are already placed outside and are doing well, along with green onions and flat leaf parsley outside as well. One snap bean from the first planting has really taken off, and the rest are right along schedule. Hopefully tomorrow brings good enough weather to finish tilling the garden.
Left to right 6 packs: Cayenne peppers, Jalapeño Peppers
Left to right by rows grown: Musk Melon, Snap Beans, super hot Jalapeño Peppers
Left to right by rows: Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes, summer squash, zucchini, yellow onion
I have a recipe for lavender cookies. What do you do with your lavender?