Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ask and ye shall receive....

Best Christmas ever! True story! A glory of culinary delight for me to revel in... Cast iron cookware of all sorts, a sprout grower, rice cooker, egg poacher, Caphelon utensils, coffee grinder....! All that alongside the neatest chicken sculpture ever, a beautiful clock with legumes suspended in resin, gift cards to my favorite places, alcohol, and ammo! I am truly Blessed by the love and thoughtfulness of my family and friends.

In the aftermath of a great Christmas, I finished up the damage control of setting the house back into order this morning. Which is a good thing, for now I can ramp up the BLIZZARD preparations. We are expected to get close to 2' of snow on the generous side of the reports, or 16" on the conservative side. I have already drawn water (if power goes out, water goes out due to having a well), placed new candles about the house, and I am going to roast a chicken (in one of my new pans!) with all the fixins for a nice warm meal. My boy friend spent the morning chopping and stacking wood. I also sent him to the store for last minute items in case the storm is as bad as predicted. I believe it will be, seeing as how the snowfall started at 9am (6 hours ahead of schedule), and only continues to increase in its accumulation. The strong winds have not kicked in yet -thankfully- but are expected to later. I'll keep y'all updated and post pictures [as long as the power doesn't go out]. I am kind of looking forward to this storm, but only because I can't wait to throw the cats into a snow bank (really, it's not cruel -just funny) and go sledding.

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