Monday, December 13, 2010

Birthday dinner continued...

Dinner went excellent! The Bordeaux wine sauce was sooooo amazing! And sooo easy! I ended up putting the shiitake mushrooms into the sauce and they melded incredibly well. So well in fact, the birthday boy was still raving about it this morning. Win! The filets cooked a little more than I would have liked- but hey- you live, you learn... The USDA temp of 125 degrees is far to done for my liking.
However, after all that wonderfulness of cooking last nights meal, clearly, tonight is a order out pizza night.
Also, in other excitement: we bought a new dining room table today from the Mill Stores. It is called a 'boat' table which you can get a preview of through that link. We are having them stain it in "Salem Maple" so it won't be here for a few weeks.I can't wait though!

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